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Baylor Study: The Politics of God's Plan for Your Life
Those who agree strongly that “God has a plan for all of us” are least supportive of government programs that help those out of work.
Religion and Inequality Go Hand-in-Hand
Why some countries are more religious than others—and why, assumptions to the contrary, the U.S. is not unusually religious.
Pat Robertson Says Divorce Okay if Spouse has Alzheimer's
"I know it sounds cruel, but if he's going to do something he should divorce her and start all over again," broadcaster advises on 700 Club.
Blaming Washington for Acts of God
Tea Party and Christian Conservatives: Similar but Not the Same
A diverse set of grassroots conservatives has emerged. Some are social conservatives. Some are not.
Famine in East Africa: Who Cares?
Several Christian NGOs are on the move, provided they can get the appropriate funds.
Bachmann Asked if She Would be 'Submissive to her Husband'
Was the question at Iowa’s debate last night out-of-bounds?
Your Insurance May Already Cover 'Abortion-Inducing Drugs'
Health and Human Services ruled last week that insurance plans must provide contraception with no copayment.
Poll: Majority of Americans Say Same-Sex Relations Are OK
Recent data suggests that Americans for the first time since 1973, a minority says homosexual relations are 'always wrong.'